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New MUSE Views Series - Commercial Member Conversations

Enjoy this special category of MUSE Views, the podcast for the MUSE community, as we talk with key Commercial members to focus on timely products and services to enhance your IT environments, productivity, workflows, and more. Learn from these experienced vendors!


Guest: Joel Benware, President, Acmeware

Joel discusses the transition from a community hospital CIO to President of a vendor company, and what makes Acmeware special. He tells us about Acmeware’s Empower platform that uses power BI to provide data management across an organization, and how Acmeware is utilizing AI to boost the functionality of the Empower platform through democratization of data. Joel explains how facilitates can manage downtimes using Acmeware’s Downtime Defender product. Acmeware offers downtime management, governance, and recommendation for drills and education. Finally, he endorses MUSE and outlines Acmeware’s participation in the upcoming MUSE Inspire Conference, highlighting Acmeware’s support for education, training, and boot camps for IT leadership.

Show notes:

Joel Benware
Joel Benware

Joel Benware drives Acmeware's strategic initiatives, enhancing customer relationships, and fostering collaboration within the healthcare technology sector. With over 20 years in hospital executive positions, Mr. Benware leads Acmeware's commitment to delivering innovative solutions and exceptional service to meet the evolving needs of healthcare organizations.

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